Yes, It Has Pockets

This dress was actually completed in late October after finding a fantastic fabric bundle on sale at So Sew English Fabrics.

The top is navy rayon jersey, but the skirt, oh the skirt is an unusual lace bonded scuba. Instead of the lace as a print on solid background, it’s actually attached to the solid aqua, giving a lovely and elegant finish. Because scuba is a fairly structured fabric, the skirt has some drape without being clingy.

And yes, I added inseam pockets.

The pattern is Olympia by Love Notions, which I’ve had printed for a while but never sewn. It has an interesting but slightly tricky design where the neckline facing/collar is actually from the single bodice pattern piece. The softness of rayon jersey works well in this design, allowing me to skip the FBA and minimal bunching.

The photograph is today’s creative endeavor, as that takes sometimes more effort and timing than the sewing itself. Light, a failed battery in my camera’s repost shutter, and pulling out the trusty cell phone tripod helped me get it done. Not to mention hair and actual makeup.

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